Happiness starts today.


Read up

Apart from our podcast, we provide you with the scripts for each episode. This way, you can read in addition to or instead of listening, whichever you prefer. Enjoy!




Welcome to silver--lining, a podcast that is so much more than just a podcast. You want to know why? Tune in and find out!


Mental Health vs. Society
At this point, we all know that mental health is not always an easy thing to open up about publicly. But why? What exactly are the social barriers impeding healthy conversations about mental health, and what can we do about them? This episode is dedicated to letting you know that these barriers are really just stepping stones disguised as giant walls. With the right approach, we can rise above them.


"Life Filters" - Optimism & Co.
Have your seemingly incontrollable feelings ever gotten the better of you? Oh wait, you're probably human, so yes. Good news: With time and a little bit of practice, we can learn how to influence the way we perceive the world and directly produce long-term happiness. But how?


Emotional Intelligence

You can be become the master of your EQ. You want to know why, how, and what this means for your mental health? Click and find out.


Stress and Neurological Lemonade

What is stress, eustress and distress? What are the neurological and biochemical processes behind the process? When and how can you make lemons out of lemonade? It's about to get sweet and fizzy.



Regardless of what musical genres you like to play, listen to, or compose, music has manifold benefits for your mental health. Tune in and find out what you should truly appreciate about this incredible resource to harness its power to the fullest.


Resources #1

In times of troubling world news and isolation, never forget that we think and feel with you. As examples of this truth, here are further recommended mental health support resources for you - global, often free to use, accessible to everyone. More to follow!


Sleep and Relaxation

The power of sleep is something we hear about daily, but few know the breadth of consequences that can arise when it's missing, particularly in terms of our mental health. Here you have a digestible, neurology-focused overview about the importance of resting, as well as proven tips and tricks to harness the full power of sleep.


"You are what you eat" - truer words were never spoken, particularly from neurological and psychological perspectives. Find out why in today's new episode of the silver--lining.